The origins of popcorn, the world’s oldest food

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Evidence suggests that popcorn is the world’s oldest food. This is because 10,000 years ago, humans grew corn. Archaeologists have also found important evidence that humans have been making popcorn for thousands of years through the discovery of popcorn fossils in Peru since 4,700 BC. In the early days, corn was smaller than a penny and not as large as today. Originally, popcorn was used in ceremonies to worship the gods. In the 19th century, it was developed by placing corn kernels on a stove and the word “pop” was coined. The word “popcorn” was first coined in 1848. Popcorn became a snack or a snack that could be eaten at any time. In the 1930s, popcorn became very popular while watching movies and sports. It became a snack at the cinema.

Now that we know the origin of popcorn, let’s take a look at the benefits of popcorn and the nutrients it provides..

Benefits of Popcorn

Popcorn is rich in “Polyphenols”, nutrients from popcorn. It is an antioxidant found in high amounts in plants and vegetables. It helps prevent cell inflammation and cell deterioration, thus slowing down aging and reducing wrinkles. And It also helps reduce the risk of blood vessel disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. However, popcorn does not contain other nutrients found in vegetables and fruits. Therefore, popcorn cannot be eaten as a substitute for vegetables and fruits. In addition, popcorn or popcorn is a natural grain that is high in fiber or insoluble dietary fiber, which helps the digestive system and prevents constipation. In addition, it was found that popcorn contains more iron than spinach,  ยูฟ่าเบท making it suitable for women who want to find a snack to eat during the day.